【摘要】 随着全球化进程的加速发展,中餐已走向世界,这为中华饮食文化的传播提供了契机。中餐菜名的英译有助于外国客人理解中餐菜名并传播中国饮食文化。由于中西方在菜名的命名方式上存在着很大的文化差异,故中餐菜名的英译并非易事。本文以翻译理论(功能目的论和跨文化翻译)和跨文化交际理论(身份协商)为指导,分析了中式菜名英译的目的、菜名的跨文化翻译策略和方法以及跨文化对话中菜名的商讨。依据上述理论,本文得出了两条菜名英译的主要翻译原则:可接受性(翻译准确、传达食物信息)和可表达性(尽可能清晰地表达出菜名所蕴含的文化信息),其目标是弘扬中华饮食文化并促进跨文化交际。除了理论讨论部分,本研究首次采用问卷调查的方式来评价《中文菜单英文译法》中的菜名的英文翻译。研究结果表明:所有的写实型菜名的英文译法都可以被直接采用和借鉴;对于大多数的文化型菜名来说,其英文译法却并未得到认可,而与中国传统节日有关的和具有中国特色的菜名的英文译法还是被普遍接受的。总之,本文的研究目的是进一步完善《中文菜单英文译法》,为规范和统一中餐菜名的英译作出努力,进而更好地向世界传播中华餐饮文化。
【关键词】 《中文菜单英文译法》; 功能目的论; 跨文化翻译; 跨文化身份协商; 中文菜名翻译策略和翻译方法;
Acknowledgements 6-7
中文摘要 7-8
Abstract 8
Chapter One Introduction 12-16
1.1 Research Background 12
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 12-13
1.3 Research Questions 13-14
1.4 Thesis Structure 14-16
Chapter Two Literature Review 16-26
2.1 Previous Researches on English Translation of Chinese Dish Names 16-22
2.1.1 Translation Principles, Strategies, and Approaches 16-19
2.1.2 Western TheoriesApplied to Dish Name Translation 19-20
2.1.3 Culture-oriented Research 20-22
2.2 Previous Studies of Chinese Dietetic CultureAbroad 22-24
2.2.1 Study of Chinese Dietetic Culture inAmerica 22-23
2.2.2 Study of Chinese Dietetic Culture in Europe 23-24
2.3 Comments on Previous Studies 24-26
2.3.1 Research Findings 24-25
2.3.2 Research Limitations 25-26
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 26-42
3.1 Functional Skopostheorie 26-32
3.1.1 Brief Introduction 26
3.1.2 Development 26-30
3.1.3 Theoretical Framework of Functional Skopostheorie 30-31
3.1.4 Application of Functional Skopostheorie to English Translation of Chinese Dish Names 31-32
3.2 Intercultural Translation and Identity Negotiation 32-40
3.2.1 Intercultural Translation 32-36
3.2.2 Identity Negotiation 36-40
3.3 Translation Principles Inferred from theAbove-mentioned Theories 40-42
3.3.1 Acceptability 40-41
3.3.2 Expressiveness 41-42
Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion 42-81
4.1 Data Source 42
4.2 Methodology 42-45
4.2.1. Instrument: Questionnaire Survey 42-43
4.2.2 Questionnaire Materials 43-44
4.2.3 Respondents 44
4.2.4 Research Method: Quantitative and Qualitative Research 44-45
4.3 Procedure and Questionnaire Result Analysis 45-72
4.3.1 AnAnalysis of Personal Information 45-46
4.3.2 AnAnalysis of General Situation of Dish Name Translation 46-52
4.3.3 AnAnalysis of Fact-telling Dish Names 52-57
4.3.4 AnAnalysis of Culturally-loaded Dish Names 57-62
4.3.5 An Analysis of Proposed Translation Formula for Culturally-loaded Dish Name 62-72
4.4 Translation Approaches and Strategies Deduced from Translation Formulas 72-81
4.4.1 Translation Strategies and Approaches Applied to Fact-telling Dish Names 73-77
4.4.2 Translation Strategies and Approaches Applied to Culturally-loaded Dish Names 77-81
Chapter Five Conclusion 81-83
5.1 Major Findings 81-82
5.2 Limitations 82
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 82-83
Bibliography 83-87
AppendixⅠ 87-92
AppendixⅡ 92-96
攻读学位期间的研究成果 96
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