【摘要】 外语学习的主要目的之一就是使学生能够更好地用目的语进行交流,而且跨文化交际能力的调查能够使教师和学生在跨文化交际能力上投入更多的精力。以往许多学者都对不同层次的学生的跨文化交际能力进行了调查,对象包括高中生,英语专业本科生,非英语专业本科生以及研究生。而本文旨在对比不同教学水平的高中学校中学生的跨文化交际能力的异同。本文通过文化测试探讨了416名高中学生的跨文化交际能力。这416名高中学生分别来自四所学校,其中三所为城市中学,一所为城镇中学。在每所学校中,研究者都随机挑选了一个重点班,一个普通班,并从中随机抽出8名学生进行访谈。本文旨在研究:一、中国高中生跨文化交际能力的总体水平;二、不同水平的城市学校高中学生的跨文化交际能力有无显著差异;三、城、乡学校高中学生跨文化交际能力有无显著差异;四、重点班学生和非重点班的高中学生跨文化交际能力有无显著差异。除此之外,还调查了学生对文化学习的态度以及他们跨文化知识的来源。研究发现:1)中国高中生整体跨文化交际能力水平都较低;2)城市学校之间学生跨文化交际能力水平有差异,其中一所学校与另外两所学校的学生跨文化交际能力水平有显著差异;3)城乡学校学生跨文化交际能力水平没有显著差异;4)重点班和非重点班学生的跨文化交际能力水平有显著差异。基于以上发现,作者对高中英语教学提出了一些建议,比如:在高中英语教学中引进外籍教师,用比较法教授跨文化知识以及平衡知识教学与文化教学等等。高中英语教师应当承担起提升学生跨文化交际能力的责任,努力提升自身的跨文化知识,改善自身的文化教学技巧。只有这样,高中学生的跨文化交际能力才能得到提升,运用外语进行有效的交流才能成为可能。
【关键词】 跨文化交际能力; 高中生; 文化教学; 差异;
Abstract 3-4
摘要 5-9
Chapter 1 Introduction 9-12
1.1 Research background 9-10
1.2 Significance of the study 10
1.3 Layout of the thesis 10-12
Chapter 2 Literature Review 12-24
2.1 Definition of intercultural communicative competence 12-13
2.2 Components of ICC 13-16
2.3 Theoretical foundation of ICC 16-18
2.4 Relevant research on intercultural communication competence 18-24
2.4.1 Main research and findings abroad 18-20
2.4.2. Main research and findings at home 20-24
Chapter 3 Research Design 24-28
3.1 Research Questions 24
3.2 Subjects 24-25
3.3 Instruments 25-26
3.3.1 Socio-Cultural Test 25-26
3.3.2 Interview 26
3.4 Data Collection 26-27
3.5 Data Analysis 27-28
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 28-51
4.1 The overall pattern of the senior high school students' ICC 28-32
4.1.1 The ICC of senior high school students on the whole 28-30
4.1.2 The description of the different parts of the Socio-cultural test 30-32
4.2 The differences in the students' ICC in urban high schools of different levels 32-40
4.2.1 The differences in the students' ICC in urban high schools of different levels 33-34
4.2.2 The differences in the different parts of Students' ICC in urban high schools of different levels 34-40
4.3 The differences in the ICC between students of urban high school and students of town high school 40-44
4.3.1 The differences in the ICC between students of urban high school and students of town high school 40-41
4.3.2 The differences in the different parts of the students' ICC in urban high school and town high school 41-44
4.4 The differences in the ICC between students in key class and students in non-key class 44-48
4.4.1 The differences in the ICC scores between students in key class and students in non-key class 44-45
4.4.2 The differences in the different parts of ICC between students in key class and students in non-key class 45-48
4.5 The results and discussions on the interview of the students 48-49
4.6 Summary 49-51
Chapter 5 Conclusion 51-57
5.1 Summary of the findings in the present study 51-52
5.2 Implications for English teaching of high schools 52-53
5.3 Suggestions for English teaching of high schools 53-55
5.4 Limitations of the study 55
5.5 Suggestions for the future research 55-57
References 57-62
Appendix One: A Socio-cultural Test 62-65
Appendix Two: Interview for students 65-66
Acknowledgements 66-67
在读期间公开发表论文(著)及科研情况 67
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