【范文】旅游翻译的归化与异化 【作者】 王璧; 【导师】 袁雪生; 【副题名】以庐山景点的翻译为例 【摘要】 随着经济全球化趋势和信息技术的高速发展,世界市场出现了多种变化,市场竞争日趋激烈,旅游业也不例外。随着中国经济和社会的快速发展,全球化的加剧,人民生活水平的改善,出国旅游成为了越来越多的人的梦想。中国作为世界上人口最多的国家,由于其神秘性和美丽吸引了越来越多的外国游客,成为外国游客的梦幻之国。与此同时,外国游客对中国的文化和历史极度感兴趣,。然而中西不同的文化导致了理解上的差异,因而如何正确的翻译旅游景点和文本资料就显得格外的重要。翻译指的是从一种语言到另一种语言的转换而且目的语与源语读者的反映一样,比如英语翻译成汉语,汉语翻译成英语,在本文中,主要涉及到的是汉语翻译成英语。九江以庐山出名,庐山作为世界的名山,对九江的经济甚至是江西的经济发展都发挥了极大的作用,庐山以其世界美誉和美丽吸引了越来越多的外国游客。然而,笔者在游览时发现庐山的旅游文本,景点介绍,指导手册的英文介绍存在某些问题,影响了人们的理解与交流。本文作者采用了描述性方法,通过自己在庐山拍摄的照片,来分析庐山旅游景点翻译中存在的问题,并根据自己的理解提出作出翻译。作者利用异化和归化理论,指出翻译的两个焦点应该是可接受性和文... 【Abstract】 With the trend of economy globalization and the fast development of information technology, the world market is abounding with varieties; market competition is getting severer and severer. Tourism is no exception. With china’s economic and social development, intensifying globalization and the people’s improved living standards traveling is becoming more and more people’s dream. As the most populous country in the world and being well known for its mystery and beauty, China has become the dreamy... 【关键词】 同化; 异化; 旅游翻译; 信息; 景点; 【Key words】 domestication; foreignization; tourism translation; information; scenic spots; 【范文目录】 ABSTRACT 3-4 摘要 5-6 Content 6-8 Chapter 1. Introduction to Tourism and Tourism Translation 8-13 1.1. The Definition of Tourism 8-10 1.2. The Concept of Tourism Translation 10-11 1.3. The Classification of Tourism Translation 11-12 1.4. The Classification of Tou rism Translator 12-13 Chapter 2.Domestication and Foreignization 13-26 2.1. The Origin and Concept of Domestication and Foreignization 13-20 2.1.1 The Significance of the Domestication and Foreignization 15-17 2.1.2. The Trace on the Development History of the Domestication and Foreignization 17-20 2.2. The Application of Domestication and Foreignization 20-23 2.2.1. The Application in the Literature 21-22 2.2.2. The application in some other fields 22-23 2.2.3. The Application in the Tourism Translation 23 2.3. The Relationship between Domestication and Foreignization 23-26 Chapter 3.The Analysis of the Translation of Lushan Representative Scenicspots 26-38 3.1 The Translation of the Sights and Its Analysis from the Aspect of Domestication 26-31 3.2 The Translation of the Sights and Its Analysis from the Aspect of Foreignization 31-35 3.3 Suggestions Given on the Tourism Translation 35-38 3.3.1. Literal Translation and Free Translation 35 3.3.2. Annotation and Compensation 35-36 3.3.3. Back Translation 36 3.3.4. Translation of Color Words 36-37 3.3.5. Combination and Division 37-38 Chapter 4. Conclusion 38-40 Bibliography 41-42 原创学术论文网Tag:代发论文 代写MBA论文 论文发表 代写硕士论文 研究生论文 |