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English School-based Development in Middle School
Lu Jinjin*
(Foreign Language Department of jimei University, FuJian XiaMen 361021)
Brief author introduction:Lu Jinjin, (1982-),Female,Lecturer,TESOL. E-mail: helen820919@sina.com
Abstract: Doubts and questions are aroused in this paper which should 5 be highlighted for us to
cultivate creative students in 21st century. English teaching can be changed from teacher-centered to
student-centered. Hence, middle school English teachers should use various English teaching methods
according to students’ ability and schools. The author analyses the difficulties and advantages on the
development of English School-based curriculum in Middle schools and has researched on how
10 Xiamen No.5 Middle School and Gulang Island Middle school apply the curriculum theory to English
School-based curriculum development. The thesis has been conducted by data analysis to illustrate the
success of Gulang Island Middle school in English School-based development.
Keywords: curriculum; school-based; School-based curriculum development
15 0 Introduction
School-based Curriculum Development, which first initiated in some western developing
countries in the 1970s, became an international trend adapt the highly centralized educational
system, develop the School-based Curriculum with individual school as the basis and realize the
democratization of the national curriculum development and implement. Based on the various
20 resources and characteristics of school, “school-based” can be defined as a fundamental condition
to meet the students’ study requirements and to promote the full-development of them.
“Curriculum” can be defined as educational experience system, which emphasize on cultivating
students’ qualities in certain educational environment. [1] The design of curriculum should
maintain the dynamic balance among students, society and subjects. With the ongoing of newly
25 elementarily educational reform, the establishment of the elementarily educational curriculum
system is urgently required by quality-oriented education. According to the current situation,
China needs to put more effort on this issue. “The Education Commission Report No.3 submitted
by the international panel commented: “The centrally devised syllabuses cannot meet the special
need of individual schools”.” National Curriculum reform needs to be given the priority to develop
30 and implement. Entering into the new century, the educational authority in China decided to
establish a three-tier educational system for nation, defined as the “national”, “local” and “school”
curriculum. [2] From that time, School-based Curriculum Development emerges as a critical
mission of ongoing national curriculum planning. Focusing on raising the general quality of the
whole nation, School-based Curriculum Development is designed and developed to explore the
35 creativity, practical ability and healthy development of every student. Generally speaking,
School-based Curriculum Development is the king of curriculum that is organized, implemented
and evaluated by certain teachers in certain schools, making well use of abundant resources of
schools and local communities to meet the different demands and interests of different students.
During the process of School-based Curriculum Development and Implement, teachers’
40 involvement in curriculum development will enhance the level of teaching professionalism and the
characteristic resource of school adopted in curriculum development will form the school
distinctive style and students’ involvement in innovative curriculum implement will spur their
potential ability to a full state.
1 Implement of English Curriculum
45 Implement Advice of English Curriculum Criteria lays emphasis to all the English teachers in
 middle school. English teaching should give the opportunities for students to develop in full
degree and life time long. To base on this, they should also cultivate students’ comprehensive
ability to use languages. Teachers should strengthen the guidance to students for their English
learning strategies, which will transfer into students’ survival tool in their whole lives. Teachers
should try to widen student’ cultural horizon and explore their Cross-50 cultural Communication
consciousness and capability. Teachers should offer variety of English study and use tunnels with
the aid of modern educational technology. Teachers should arouse students’ interests of English
learning by organizing interesting after-school activities. The development of English
School-based Curriculum Development in middle school, to some extent, can be widely available
55 to all the students, promoting their qualities, the absorbance of language knowledge, the healthy
development and presentation of their personalities and abilities. As an indispensable supplement
to the national curriculum planning, School-based Curriculum Development can benefit students
in deferent levels with different characteristics and in different areas. students’ language skills,
language knowledge, sense and attitude, learning strategies and cultural consciousness can be
60 wholly improved.
The tradition English class advocates the simple memory of English language points and
organizes mechanical activities to consolidate the knowledge. This results in the out-of-dated
learning material and the boring language class. Students growing up in this kind of
single-receptive learning environment are deprived of freedom to create and express. Their
65 interests are drained drop by drop owing to the lack of motivation and challenge. Therefore
students are imposed to be train as ones who only can be stand up in examination-oriented
education system. Additionally, their learning ability turns out to be inefficiently.
2 English School-based Curriculum Development
English School-based Curriculum Development in middle school aims to change this tough
70 situation. Focusing on the development of students’ English communication ability as the first
class task, English School-based Curriculum Development will create the most personalized
learning surroundings to students. At present, School-based Curriculum Development in China is
still in its infancy, so there are still many shortcomings needing to be overcome. It needs more
drains and brains to get involved in this essential project.
75 Holding a macro view on the implement of School-based Curriculum Development in china,
two models of School-based Curriculum Development were found. First, development of
School-based Curriculum is made by them. “The school designs and develops its own curriculum
according to the mission, educational philosophy, students’ profiles and demands, teachers’
professional abilities and school own styles.” Second, decisions of School-based Curriculum are
80 made by them. “A school selects from several existing curriculums and confirms its own
curriculum according to the criteria established from the mission, educational philosophy,
students’ profiles and demands, teachers’ professional abilities and school own styles.” Referring
to English School-based Curriculum Development, certain teachers in certain schools execute all
kinds of activities by adopting and crating the teaching material according to the students’ diverse
85 personalities and learning standings. Some English School-based Curriculum are developing and
implementing successfully in middle school, such as English Intensive, English Drama
Performance, English Songs Competition, English Corner and English Classical Movies Watch
and so on.
Holding a micro view on the implement of English School-based Curriculum Development in
90 China, two English School-based Curriculums in Xiamen No.5 middle school will be analyzed in
 this paper. In English Classical Movie class, students can not only watch the world-class English
movies, but also indulge themselves in a whole English native environment. According to a survey,
students in middle schools will have more interests in learning English if the English lesson tends
to be attractive and active. The English Classical Movie provides students with twisted stories and
fascinating landscapes, served as an aid to arouse students’ learning interests. 95 [3] The teacher in this
class plays as a guider, designing different activities to develop students’ communication ability,
which includes classical scene role play, the watching composition and the classical dialogue
guessing games. In this class, School-based Curriculum Development is organized on the
foundation of teachers’ design and students’ cooperation. Students’ comprehensive ability is well
100 cultivated by this kind of dynamic class. In Western Food Class, teachers widen students’ eye
zone by dazzling delicious food. Teachers collect useful information from internet and introduce
them to students. Students who attended this School-based Curriculum will encounter the
cross-cultural shocks like table manner, having fun in studying the culture in foreign countries.
This light of this School-based Curriculum’s design is to invite students to do DIYs in the class,
105 which is a clever approach to arouse their interests and train their practical ability.
These two English School-based Curriculums are undergoing successfully on the condition of
the support of the principal, teachers and students in Xiamen No.5 middle school. While some
barriers on the way to English School-based Curriculum Development still exist.
First, lack of curriculum experts and their guidance. It is difficult for teachers to design a fun
110 and balanced English School-based Curriculum because of teachers’ inexperience. As for the
English Classical Movie Watch class, if teachers receive some information about how to make
movie, how to write the script and how to appreciate, teachers can teach more to students. As to
the Western Food class, if teacher can cook all the food under the help of some experts, students
will benefit a lot from it. Lacking the guidance will make School-based Curriculum Development
115 become a heavy burden for both teachers and students.
Second, the shortage of resources for curriculum development is at peak. Teachers in the two
School-based Curriculums above are limited to collect the useful information, influencing the
disappointing outcome of classes. Teachers need more resources, including internet, libraries and
operating equipment and so on.
120 Third, under-qualified teachers are difficult to develop School-based Curriculum. It can not
be denied that teachers have limited professional knowledge in certain areas. Once they need to
contact to another area, they realize their incapable. Owing to this reason, Chinese teachers in
middle school nowadays develop School-based Curriculum by imitating other foreign countries.
Thus, they should be equipped with different professional knowledge.
125 Fourth, middle school managements’ overlook is initial on School-based Curriculum
Development. The attitude of school leaders will lead the development to different stages. Leaders
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